Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Ecological Footprint

Before taking this quiz, I really didn't think that I used up too much energy and was really risking the environment. I found out if everyone on Earth lived he way I do, it would take 7.8 Earth's to provide enough resources. I also learned that to support my way of life, it takes 34.6 global acres of the earth's land, most of it being in energy land.The ecological footprint is the measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems.  It represents the amount of  land and sea area necessary to supply the resources our population consumes and dealing with waste. The ecological footprint is an amazing way to really show you what damage your doing to the environment and can help you really pin-point the area you need to work on to make sure our planet can still maintain it's beauty. It was no surprise to me that I use up most of the resources I'm abusing are due to me eating packaged and processed foods more so than I eat healthier foods and I need to eat a lot less meat. But even more so in traveling; back home I would fill up my tank at least twice a week and I fly a lot which is also not great for the environment. From now on I'm pledging to eat healthier foods, and cut down on the amount of packaged food I eat.