Sunday, December 4, 2011

To the Future!

It's year 2041 and my Jerry Garcia robot decided to wake me up a little late today. I hopped onto my magic carpet and headed right to the bathroom to take a shower in my underground yellow submarine styled shower room. In holographic form John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr rock out in my bathroom as I get ready for the day. After I finish getting ready I sit back down on my magic carpet and take it back to the room for a quick change. Jerry hands me a sweet new tie-dye shirt he made me a few days ago and my new poncho. I look in my mirror and by memory Jerry knows how to put my makeup on just right. There’s also no dress code in 2041 which is awesome. I get back on the carpet and take it downstairs for some food when I realized I forgot to turn off the holographic version Robert Plant downstairs. Turns out and was playing Dazed and Confused for a good nine hours. I take a look at the menu for the day and of course it has all my favorites: Deep fried brownie bites, chicken tenders, and Half Baked Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Hey, just because it’s the future doesn’t mean the food has to change. I say bye to Robert and Jerry and hop in my plane to take it to class. I realize I’m running super low on fuel and need to fill up real soon. At the fuel Station I run into a few friends and do some stuff and things before class. While I drive to school I’m jamming and right when I look down at my radio I ran a red light. Just my luck, I got pulled over but since the Cops are robots they’re real easy to talk your way out of stuff. I manage to escape that crappy situation and making it to class late as always. School consists of me studying in the thinking-pods all day nothing too special. Finally class gets out and I’m ready to get back home to Jerry, Robert, George, Ringo, Paul, and John. My awesome plane takes me home and within 2 minutes of class getting out I’m sitting on the couch watching TV with the most awesome group of people. The future couldn’t get any better!

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